Custom Design: Extra Credit - Taking Care of Your Piece
You did it! You successfully designed your first custom design and hopefully the wearer loves it. For many of our clients, our design might be the first introduction they have to true piece of fine jewelry. Fine jewelry is special not simply because it is expensive and made of precious materials; rather, fine jewelry is special because it can be maintained and repaired for years, even decades, to come. Having a serious jeweler who can not only create your piece, but also take care of it as you move through your milestones, is vital. That being said, you can and should take an active role in keeping your jewelry well maintained at home. Here’s what you should keep in mind..

Heirloom Redesign Idea: Cluster Rings
One of our specialties here at Alx&Co. is working with clients to redesign sentimental or antique pieces in order to breath new life into them. Sometimes, clients come with one piece that they want transformed into something new. Other times, they might have a collection of different pieces that we can pull from. In either case, we sometimes are left with a small pile of mismatched diamonds or gemstones and need to figure out a way to set them seamlessly together.

Creating a Mood Board for Design Inspiration
We’ve said it once, we’ll say it again: deciding what you want for your bespoke design can be a daunting challenge these days. The good news is, you have all the options in the world at your fingertips with endless inspiration streaming from Instagram, Pinterest, and Google every day. The bad news is, it can be very, very difficult to discern design you simply find beautiful from design you find beautiful for yourself…

How to Design Jewelry… Even If You Aren’t a Jewelry Designer
A common refrain I hear from clients is that they don’t know anything about jewelry and have no idea where to even begin when it comes to custom design. Whenever I hear this I tell them that they have nothing to worry about - jewelry design can be done by anyone, with the right guidance…